Oregon Legal Research

Oregon Legal Research

Welcome to the Oregon Legal Research gateway powered by Oregon public law librarians and their Access to Justice partners.

Our goal is to promote justice by providing all Oregonians with access to legal information and legal research assistance.

Access to justice under the Oregon Constitution requires more than simple access to legal information or the courts.

Oregon Legal Research Blog
Around Oregon in 10 days: Surveying 36 County Law Library Services
In the summer of 2024 Amy Gregory, Washington County Law Librarian, and Brittany Young, Lane County Law Librarian, conducted a survey of county law library services by visiting law library service providers. All 36 counties in Oregon are required to provide a law library or law library services, however these services vary across the state. After travelling around Oregon, Amy and Brittany generated a report of these services. All county profiles were taken as a snapshot in time.
January 15, 2025

Understanding the Courts: NCSC Video Series
The Jenkins Law Library, Philidelphia, Blog shared the recent launch of a series of short videos that explain partes of the court and legal system by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC). Kristen Matteucci writes the goal is to help “Self-Represented Litigants better prepare for court hearings and more confidently engage with the courts, these illustrated videos address topics like legal advice vs. legal information, what it means to file a motion, and what to do after being served.”
April 23, 2024

Law Library of Congress: Laws on Plant Patents and Propagation
Since Portland has also seen the peak of its cherry blossoms, we’re sharing the Law Library of Congress’s seasonal post “Stumpy’s Legacy: Laws on Plant Patents and Propagation.”
April 2, 2024